
BioPharming – technology for producing recombinant proteins in transgenic plants for their further use in production of pharmaceutical products.

The technology is based on implementation of protein synthesis mechanism in a plant, further culturing the plant and the subsequent separation and product purification.

Our Company

Green Leaf Pharma is a biopharmaceutical manufacturing company specializing in the development of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished dosage forms of biological drugs using innovative Biopharming technology.

The technology is being developed by an international team of scientists in fields of genetic engineering, molecular biology and pharmaceutical technology based on Russian and Israeli research centers.

In accordance with the Company's plans, the implementation of biopharmaceutical technology in industrial pharmaceutical production allows to create a new kind of effective and safe biosimilars, increase availability of modern methods of treatment, and increase quality of medical care for patients. In 2019 the Green Leaf Pharma has started the development of several pharmaceutical biosimilars of monoclonal antibodies, synthesized in tobacco plants.
The Company's Pipeline includes drugs used in treating cancer, autoimmune and orphan diseases, and medical device based on recombinant human collagen.

Green Leaf Pharma is planning to organize full-cycle production on territory of Russian Federation in full accordance with international GMP and ISO standards, able to meet the demand of Russian market and provide high export potential of manufactured products. The company is focused on cooperation with developers and suppliers of innovative technologies and high-tech materials.

Company is contributing to decision the most relevant healthcare issues and cooperation with state in providing population with effective and safe medicines produced in Russia, in implementing the state programs for developing the pharmaceutical industry and modernizing healthcare.

Our Vision

Green Leaf Pharma is a high-tech manufacturing company, which develops medicines based on the innovative technology of synthesis of recombinant proteins in plants.

Our Principles


We aim to transform innovative ideas into industrial technologies
that expand the possibilities of modern medical practice.


We put forward health preservation and improving the life quality of patients, providing them with affordable and effective treatment methods.


The Company is focused on the healthcare professionals needs  to create modern, effective and safe biological pharmaceuticals.


We support introduction and development of quality and safe medical devices and new drugs.


We follow high standards of ethics, transparency, environmental and social responsibility.


Every business process of the Company is compliant with GxP and ISO standards to guarantee the quality of manufactured products.

Our Partners

  • BioBetter
Development and launch of innovative
and high-tech medical products onto the markets
of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
127055, Russian Federation, Moscow, Suschevskaya street 27, bld. 2, floor 2, office 4